Sandy Mochal Thalmann, owner and operator of Authentic Origins LLC, is an adoptee who has spent over thirty years researching biological and adoptive families—her own and others. She holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work and more than twenty years of experience working with youth and families, many of whom were members of the adoption triad. She knows first-hand the importance of finding her roots and is committed to helping others (adoptees and non-adoptees) learn their “authentic origins.”
Since founding Authentic Origins LLC in 1998, Sandy has focused on professional development. She is committed to learning and adhering to the highest professional standards in the field of genealogical research in order to deliver a quality product to her clients. She has completed the National Genealogical Society’s American Genealogy Home Study Course and the ProGen Study Program. She is a regular attendee at the NGS and FGS annual conferences and the Association of Professsional Genealogist's Professional Management Course. She has also completed the Intermediate DNA for Genealogy course at the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research and the Advanced DNA Practicum at the Salt Lake Institute for Genealogy.
Since founding Authentic Origins LLC in 1998, Sandy has focused on professional development. She is committed to learning and adhering to the highest professional standards in the field of genealogical research in order to deliver a quality product to her clients. She has completed the National Genealogical Society’s American Genealogy Home Study Course and the ProGen Study Program. She is a regular attendee at the NGS and FGS annual conferences and the Association of Professsional Genealogist's Professional Management Course. She has also completed the Intermediate DNA for Genealogy course at the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research and the Advanced DNA Practicum at the Salt Lake Institute for Genealogy.
- Member, Association of Professional Genealogists
- Member, National Genealogical Society
- Member and Past Director, Minnesota Genealogical Society
- Member, Minnesota Historical Society
- Member, Wisconsin State Genealogical Society
- Member and Past Director, Olmsted County Genealogical Society
- Contributor, Minnesota Genealogical Journal
- Contributor, Minnesota Genealogist
©1998-2021 copyright Authentic Origins LLC